
Map of Hot Spring Tour

TOP Hot springs Hot Springs Tour Map

New ReleaseHot Hot springs Introduction♨️Hot Springs Tour Map

More than 10 types of baths are introduced in an easy-to-understand way with illustrations

温泉紹介♨️湯めぐりマップ 露天風呂「霧乃湯」 大浴場「大浪」 大浴場「大浪」 天然温泉蒸し湯「きりしま」 寝湯 寝湯 泥パックコーナー 泥パックコーナー 女性専用岩盤浴 岩盤浴  貸切風呂「山霧」
  1. ①Open-air bath "Kirinoyu"
  2. ②Large public bath "Onami"
  3. ③ Natural Hot springs steam bath "Kirishima"
  4. ④ Hinoki steam bath
  5. ⑤Lying down bath
  6. ⑥Mud Packs corner
    Uses Hot springs water
    • Mud Packs "Kirika"
      Bamboo charcoal powder used
  7. ⑦Women-only bedrock bath
  8. ⑧ Bedrock bath
  9. 9. Dry sauna
  10. ⑩ Private bath "Yamagiri"